Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fast food Nation: Ch 4 Questions

1. The main legal issue that all fast food franchises have to deal with is trying to make sure that unions don't organize against them and sue for poor treatment. Other legal issues that fast food industries have to deal with is making sure that everyone is getting payed minimum wage and getting treated fairly. They also have to make sure that all the food they make is safe for consumption or they might get closed down by the FDA.

2.They hired develepment agents to sell their restaurant so subway could make a better profit from their stores. To open up a Subway costs about 100,000 dollars and most of the people who work at the restaurant tend to work 60 to 70 hours a week to make a decent wage. The people that work there are also migrant workers who barely know any english so they can't read what their sighning when decide to open a subway.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Marketing to Children

The fact that fast food industries are targeting and marketing towards children might sound bad but it's actually a smart marketing idea. By marketing to children you not only bring in one customer but that customers parents and siblings. People view this is being a form of bad ethics, but it really isn't because it's not the job of the corporation to keep tabs on what children eat that is the job of the parent's. I believe that advertising in school is a good thing because it is a good form of getting kids to go more often to fast food restaurants and get more employees to come and apply for a job there. So my opinion on marketing and advertising to children is that in the end by doing this not only is the industry getting more people to eat at their restaurants their bringing in more money and helping out the economy by offering jobs to people who might not be able to find work anywhere else.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fast food Nation Chapter 1

Many people in southern California started to open up food stands that sold hot dogs and other assortments of food and during this time people decided to open up restaurants that sold fast food using new techniques to sell food.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Arguement Analyses

1.This article is discussing how marijuana should be legalized. If marijuana was legalized we would make more money from taxes and save money by not having to spend so much on law enforcement and putting people in jail. If marijuana were legalized we wouldn't have to spend so much money on taxes to keep people in jail just because they owned marijuana. In the end there are just to many benefits of legalizing marijuana that it would be idiotic not to.

2.The author is telling us that there are a lot of benefits to marijuana and legalization of it as well. It would bring in a lot of money, lower prison taxes, and create new jobs for our economy. His main argument is probably to try and show us how it is foolish that we continue to make marijuana illegal when so many benefits are open to us if we would we just change our mind.

3.One assertion made is that if marijuana were legal California would be able to bring in 1.4 billion for the country. Another assertion is that marijuana is used in medical treatment of people with cancer, aids and other debilitating diseases.