Monday, November 7, 2011

Pathos, Ethos, Logos

Pathos- Emotional appeal-When people look at caged animals they can't help but feel sympathetic towards that animal. So when someone uses this image it will play on their emotions which is why this is the image I used for my pathos.Ethos- ethical appeal- When people listen to Obama giving a speech it usually appeals to them because of the fact that he is the president of the United States also he is the first Black American president in our history.He appeals to most peoples ethics because of both his race and his position so this is why I chose him as my Ethos image.

Logos- Logical appeal- When people look at an image of global warming they think it's only logical to try and help with this problem by reducing carbon emissions and trying to cool of the earth. I chose this as my logos image because I know when I look at it I know the reason this happening is because we refuse to listen and turn a blind eye to it. When other people look at it they'll realize that the reason this is happening is because of them and that's exactly what the taker of this picture wants you to fill, to convince you of changing the way you live.

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